Study of Electron Momentum Distribution and Compton profiles of β-Mn

  • Farid M.Mohammad Department of Physics, College of science, University of Tikreet.
  • Hadi M. Ghaleb Department of Physics, College of science, University of Kirkuk.


Compton profile of transition metal (β-Mn) was calculated employing the renormalized-free-atom (RFA) and free electron models, choosing 3d6-x-4s1-x configuration, whereas (x=0 to 1 step 0.1). This result was compared with experiment values. It is seen that the RFA calculation in 3d64s1 gives a better agreement with the experiment. This theoretical Compton profile data have been used to compute the cohesive energy of Manganese for the first time and compared it with available data.

How to Cite
Farid M.Mohammad and Hadi M. Ghaleb, “Study of Electron Momentum Distribution and Compton profiles of β-Mn ”, JMAUC, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 48-58, Jun. 2012.