Computer Keyboard Development for Specialties of Digital Signal Processing

  • Abdul Salam M. Said كلية الرشيد الجامعة
Keywords: Digital Signal Processing, Computer Keyboard, Language


A review of the dilemma the local experts are facing in the topics related to Digital Signal Processing when dealing with terminology, symbols, engineering
functions and those specific for those topics , was done in terms of considering foreign terms most commonly used to correct scientific meaning of the term scientific situation , as well as the numbers , letters , units , functions , variables , constants, and operations. The gap due to the lack of local equivalent to the foreign terms was handled. This was done by designing and creation of letters and symbols suitable to specialties’ to the digital signal processing topics, so that it becomes local alternative to the foreign terms. The proposed system has been implemented through the development and programming of the computer key board.

How to Cite
Abdul Salam M. Said, “Computer Keyboard Development for Specialties of Digital Signal Processing”, JMAUC, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 281-295, Jun. 2018.