Variational Iterational Method for Solving Some Real Life Applications

  • Dunya Mohee Haider
  • Ali Abdul Kadhum Ruhaima
Keywords: Variational iteration method, Lagrange multiplier, nonlocal condition


In this work, Variational  Iterational Method  ,which is a modified Lagrange Multiplier, was used to solve a nonlocal problems arising in thermoelastisity , where the one dimensional nonhomogeneous Heat equation was introduced together with the initial condition and the homogenous nonlocal conditions to reach the analytical solution.

How to Cite
Dunya Mohee Haider and Ali Abdul Kadhum Ruhaima, “Variational Iterational Method for Solving Some Real Life Applications”, JMAUC, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 31-47, Nov. 2019.