Creating continuous model review for material cement in Kirkuk plant when fuzzy and randomly demand with acceleration (speed up) waiting period by application

  • Abdul muneem k. Hamadi Alshokri Statistical department –Administration and economic collage, Baghdad University


Many production companies suffering lot of problems concerning the management of inventory, especially in identify the amounts inventory should storage .In the actual market is very difficult to determine the precise value of the request for it to be random in most cases and that the adoption of these companies on the personal experiences and some of simple mathematical techniques leads to uncertainty determinant   amounts of stock.                                                                                 

Where in this research create a  model continuous for inventory due to demand is random fuzzy which has a fuzzy  numbers for a following the trigonometric function for cement product which belong to cement plant Kirkuk at year 2015 and on a seasonal basis has been create a  mathematical model  after data distribution test which obtained upon request during the waiting period after removal of fuzzy where the test was using statistical program (spss) finding that distributed normally (normal distribution).                                                     

the research target to accelerate  waiting period and identify the period which achieved highest economic typical quantitative by the lower expected cost with reduce the deficit and determine the best point to restore demand after conducting the required mathematical and statistical analyzes of the data by writing algorithm of proposed and It was  using special mathematical criteria of quantitative methods in addition to the application importance and inventory effectiveness of the potential model in determining the economic quantities of production when the demand is random and fuzzy and reduced investment in inventories which leading to lower total costs of inventory to a minimum and so as to give solutions for research problem.

How to Cite
Abdul muneem k. Hamadi Alshokri, “Creating continuous model review for material cement in Kirkuk plant when fuzzy and randomly demand with acceleration (speed up) waiting period by application”, JMAUC, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 84-106, Jun. 2018.